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Weight loss 4 idiots book - weight loss 4 simpletons publication

20-12-2016 à 01:58:34
Weight loss 4 idiots book
I tell you this story with tears in my eyes. I learned a great deal about her through the battle of this disease and about myself and the strengths of our family. Update to story need to slow down a lot of words misspelled or left out. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. Another operation and I have Endo Stage IIIC, Ovarian II, and Bladder II. MRI in Jan. I went to a clinic and then a specialist who ordered an ultrasound. They told her that nothing was wrong and to relax. 9 they say. But the doctors told me that I am at 2c and that it is curable. The dr. My mom had the best attitude while battling cancer and we thought she would beat this illness, but we were wrong. 23rd). And I pray that women will listen to their bodies and pursue further testing if they feel something is wrong. So now I kind of irritated a little, moody and sometimes feeling down. She was vomiting and she had a bad case of diarrhea so she was taken to the doctor. I challenge you to listen, as we have, so silently, for so long. I have a terrific husband and also a wonderful daughter. My first chemotherapy treatment began on January 20th, and I was released from the hospital the next day. Again I went to my doctor and she thought I must be having anxiety or stress and suggested an anti-depressant and to rest up over Christmas vacation. Today she found out her tumor count is down from 73 to 64, she had a ct scan and still some residual is there but other than that she is in perfect shape and on the road to remission. What is shocking is that women willingly allow other people to tell them what is happening between their own legs and not using the heart and brain God gave them to take care of themselves and their daughters so we know whats happening in our own bodies. now her legs are swelling, they are feeling things inside her abdomen, she had been short of breath and more tired. Women do not ignore your pain or dismiss your symptoms. 2005. The whole process took from 10th of April to 27th November. He removed my entire ovary, tissue on my pelvic wall and my appendix. I want people to know that it is so important to be at a facility whose sole purpose is treatment of cancer patients. I feel scared that this disease may recur. Relief so had lobe removed chest tube was awful, had it in for a month. A gut wrenching illness just flows through every ounce of your being. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. I also wanted to say the vitamins and infusions definatly helped with her energy level. My message to others: Enjoy each day as if it was your last. It took me a little while to get over my anger that this was not caught earlier as i had been to the doctor 3 months prior, talking of pain and discomfort. I own a Beauty Shop and the holidays were arriving. Before we could begin first round of chemo, Mom started throwing up blood and blood came out of her urine and stool (she had to be admitted to intensive care). I flew back home the following day and was taken directly from the airport to the hospital. I made a point this year of traveling to different states to see extended family, and I now am eager to go for walks with my husband (to get that Vitamin D and the exercise), out for coffee or shopping with my daughter, and out for dinner or making dinner for my son. Three weeks after this she began having complications with the peg tube. 2) Investigate thoroughly all complex and septated cysts. She had many family and friends visit her throughout the 14 months and she would always welcome all of them with open arms and do all the touristy things even when she was so tired and weak. Her and my father were under extreme stress and depression. I have never be so proud of her for her will to live. I always thought that when -- not if -- I got diagnosed with cancer, I would at least know what I was in for because you see, I have had two brothers with colon cancer, a sister-in-law with lymphoma, and another brother with prostrate cancer. I finished my 6th cycle of chemotherapy on January 17, 2007. While I was in surgery they found my cancer on my ovaries and intestine and abd wall. She tried very hard to break this news to me gently but no matter what she said, or how she said it, took me by surprise. It was then determined that not only did I have borderline cells, but malignant cancer as well and I had to wait a week for the final pathology reports back. While doing Doxil my mom became very dehydrated and nauseated. The pain did not go away, it was a deep burning pain in both sides. Her gynecologist noticed severe endometriosis and as a precautionary measure ordered a CA 125. I knew I would be out of commission for a few short weeks, but then life would get back to some sort of normalcy. Cranberry juice, lean chicken and fish, broccoli, rice, and watermelong (when I could eat) made me strong. B: Spent all day in emergency because I was having a lot of trouble breathing. During that trip I started feeling out of sorts but put it off to all the eating out and acting like a kid at Disney World. First he said I have a really really spastic bowel, then he said I had a twist. I can have further chemotherapy but do not know which one to use. I have never had a dr. I am very much aware of how lucky I am to be here, so I am not angry anymore. She has been in and out of the hospital for the last 2 years for various reasons from a heart attach to surgery on her neck to removing a blockage in an artery in her neck. So I started the first day with my two best friends. no more back pain, no bloated stomach, etc. Since my diagnosis a friend was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered and transplantation of chemo pot was also done as the nerves of my wife grew weaker. I was proned to passing out and three times woke up and found myself slumped on the floor. cancer now in lungs and growing out of her rectum. But shortly after that she stopped eating and got very weak. I was ecstatic to read the story of a 6 year survival story. My husband, Jon and my friend Lisa were insistent on my going to the emergency room. My younger sister is now having an ovarian cyst looked at and will have. In short, her gallbladder was fine, but her cancer had returned. Many of the residents family members have treated my mom as if she was their own loved one. We followed treatment with second look surgery and then once a month, for three months, IP chemo. I continued with this pain in my side for another eight weeks or so living on Tylenol and motrin. She went back to the hospital about 2-3 weeks later for a follow-up and it turned out there were cancer cells on the outside of her right ovary. A week later no report so I went in to see them and finally a report came back to the GP. Unfortunately this was in January, the doctor told her he would not go any further until she switch her insurance and did not give her any further information or results. We sat in that room in dead silence for what seemed like forever before he walked in. Trying to stay positive, the tears seem to flow a lot. In June of 2008 I was back feeling well and enjoying life. I never actually read the CAT scan report. My tumor was a borderline cancer and required no additional treatment other than CA125 every 6 months to make sure nothing was recurring. People can tell right now I have cancer for I am totally bald from chemo. We are seeking opinions regarding removal of the right ovary and tube. May 31, 20012: I was able to make an appt with a family dr. And I was privileged to be there for all of it. I have not seen an onocologist since I got diagnosed. I knew my chances were not very high even though my family or the doctor never came out and said it to me. Chemo made her sick and unable to work most of the time. We were told by her physician that her condition was serious and that we should consider treatment at a different facility. He hit a spot that gave me severe pelvic pain. I was so frustrated that I had decided not to go back to see any doctor. Since she had a hard time swallowing we put in a g-tube before she was discharged home. I had a very large tumor on right ovary and small tumor on left ovary. They did all the debalking, removed the omentum, appendix, removed lymph nodes and took several biopsies. The neuropathy has dissipated some, but not enough. They are wonderful funny, loving people who have all suffered too much loss from cancer. My grandmother was the greatest person I ever knew. Few days later I was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Josie is not someone that you hide things from. By the end of the week they took me in and found out the tumors had infiltrated into my colon. After that hospitalization it was rounds of chemo, surgery, and rounds of chemo. And so for me there is no sting to death. I did not see any reason to anymore, I was cancer free. He recommended 4-6 rounds of chemo, then if able, debulking surgery. Her actual passing was beautiful, special, and supernatural. I told them I needed to be doing something proactive. The doctor thought her cancer was at an early stage 1. Staring at the teal blue sea as the sunset starts to fall. (At least I took off 12 lbs. I will keep you posted on the results - but I already know what to expect. She had been in the hospital for two weeks several months prior. She only got pregnant once even though she did nothing to prevent it. Patti leaves her Family and Many Friends who miss her tremendously because she touched each of our lives where they will never be the same again. However, I took care of everyone else before I took care of myself. Every once in a while she would sleep for a whole day, day and a half. She gave her complete attention to you when you were with her. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. Feeling around my stomach, I could feel a definite line directly under my rib cage. It is my hope that together we can raise enough attention that some day there is a decent diagnostic test. We were glad everything had indicated no sign of cancer. On returning for the ct results she was told she had a mass about the size of a grapefruit on her left ovary. New York University was not a good experience for us. The death of my beautiful mother was the most difficult experience of my life so far. I got up in the morning and made breakfast for my nieces (8 and 6), 2 sons (10 mos. I had 7. At this point, I do not know what is going on. Decided to go the next day so the dr. She is 53 years young, and she was finishing menopause, so she chalked the pain up to indigestion as it was not a constant pain and only affected her every so often. One month she is enjoying San Antonio TX and in 3 months later she was dead. While waiting for the next surgery we ran to Florida to get away from our lives. He gave me a prescription and I tried it for three days. Surgery is not an option because of the Paxel and aspirin she is taking for the stint in her heart. I keept going to my GP and was always told it was my irrital bowel that was the problem. I would sometimes go months without a period, and then it would return heavily for up to a month. Donate, advocate, and most importantly share what you know with woman in your life. It was decided I was to have a laparotomy to see what of my reproductive organs can be saved. Cancer, regardless of the type, is a family disease since the entire family is affected in such a devastating way. The tech agreed the mass looked like a dermoid measuring 8cm. I was not good at seeing doctors routinely and just put it all out of my mind. I have also read that ovarian cancer many times starts with this cancer and spreads to the ovaries and is misdiagnosed. My son was born healthy and in the presence of my wonderful mother who had made it after all. I was admitted to the hospital that evening. In the meantime, I was getting the fluid right back in no time and finally, the group of physicians diagnosed that I had ovarian cancer. give me the results that there are 4 different spots that are malignant on the scan and wants to send me to the oncologist who says he will see me during his lumch break that day. On May 28, 2006, I graduated from high school. My last doctor told me I was not a candidate for surgery because I am overweight. She started Chemo, Cisplatin only in October then after two chemos they added Carbo. She kept the best attitude throughout her fight with ovarian cancer. He told me he could not complete the test because of my pain. So back to the waiting room we went to tell our family members who were anxiously awaiting our news. Praise God. The worst they told us was a huge swollen lymph node in her groin that needed to be removed surgically. I was 13. On December 30th, I had surgery where my doc knew immediatly that the cysts were cancerous. Our house burned to the ground on April 4 2008. I was bleeding for 10 and 15 days at a time, with it stopping for maybe 3-5 days in between. She had gone to The Dr. After my two successful pregnancies, the periods would still be painful and heavy. The colostomy reversal also went fine and for the first time in nine months she feels great and has no scheduled surgeries or treatments in the near future. Mom was in and out of nursing homes because it was only me and my mom at home. I am obviously here for a reason, not too mention an angel must be watching over me. I thanked her, explained everything that had happened in the previous week, and assured her it was just heartburn. When from this dear earth I shall journey out. We left the venue in a hurry because I just wanted to go lie down. People would tell me that it was all in my mind, and if I would just get up and stay active, the pain would go away. And join the lost ones, so long dreamed about. I was worried and I told her I think I have cancer. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. There is much I have never had time to appreciate, now I can. I had her cremated because I wanted to kill the cancer once and for all because the cancer took my mother quickly and swiftly. for Sept 15, with my primary care physician. His recommendation was based on the idea it would be better to have a nationally known expert perform my surgery because surgery is a big deal. After a few months of letting my body get back to normal, I was able to conceive again. Had an allergic to the chemo so they stopped it. The cancer was named low grade serous papillary ovarian cancer. She buried her grandmothers, father and husband and best friend who all had one form of cancer. 2617, Australia (phone 02-62582977, country code 61) with my husband and 3 children ages 14 to 18. A CT scan was the only thing that detected my cancer. At 62 she was vomiting after most meals and her bowel habits were irregular. Just focus and do what you need to do, through determination and self-awareness. The next day, while at work I realized that something was terribly wrong. Although, I miss her every day, I also know that she has and will continue to show me that life is nothing without love. They were both necessary to repair the hernia and clear the bowel obstruction. First 12 cycles of chemotherapy were tolerated by her well and thereafter she suffered lot post chemotherapy problems like sever body pain, vomiting, fever, loose motion etc. Barnes the day before surgery to plan strategies. I know that I have been surrounded by prayers because for the most part, I have felt a strong infusion of peace. So I mentioned that I had problems with my bowel, like if I was shopping and felt pain, I had to always run for the nearest bathroom. I was sent to the hospital where I had a gallon of fluid extracted and was admitted after that. She put a courageous battle, but sadly lost that battle on September 3, 2007. When the radiologist took the scan he had to stop suddenly as I was so ill. She met with him on Friday and surgery was scheduled for the following Wednesday. My doctor said that on a scale of 1-10, I was a 12. While awaiting the appointment for the second opinion she was seen in the Emergency Room three times in one weekend. The next couple of days revealed it was Stage IV ovarian cancer. After a few moments, I pray and push those thoughts out of my mind - choosing instead to concentrate on living instead of the fear of dying. I am so lucky to have her on my side. Upon removing the stones and bladder the doctor notice a lot of water. On august 6, 2002 I was to start my first day of treatment, but something else was more important, my first day of high school. Once the surgery was performed, we were told that they got some of the tumor but not all of it. The only benefit of Lynch Syndrome is that it has a higher cure rate and longer time between recurrences, in general. Doctors say my ovca is chronic but, hey, it has been more than 9 years since original diagnosis and more than 5 since recurrence. Yes I am one of the lucky ones that gets the doctor who thinks that an abnormality on my pap smear is a yeast infection. It is her body and I must respect her feelings and her choice. My gynecologist sent me to a gynecological oncologist for follow-up. After 3 cycles of chemo, she was in remission. I will have a CT Scan next week and will have it removed for the first time. It worried me a little but I figured she was tired from the new wheelchair and being up in it. I then had 6 weeks of radiation treatment and CA 125 went down to 14. Then I knew there was a more serious problem when he sent me to a hospital in San Angelo, TX, where I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 ovca. She was then scheduled for a common hysterectomy which she was nervous about, but I assured her she would be fine- 1 out of 3 women over 50 have a hysterectomy. I am a breast cancer survivor of 3 years. But the decease re-appeared again and this time with metastasis stage. We had to wait for the results from pathology and my mom was out of the hospital by Saturday, June 19, 2004, leaving the hospital with a soccer ball signed by all of her visitors and a large vertical incision from a few inches above her bellybutton down to her pubic bone. Unfortunately nothing could stop the spread of the cancer. And how could I have left out Wife and Aunt, no disrespect just in a hurry. He said she could have Christmas and then start Chemo the end of December. My friends and family have surrounded me with their love and support. Surgery revealed grapefruit size ovarian tumor - malignant and big cyst -not malignant - on other ovary. I opted for the IP delivery but could only tolerate two doses out of the six. In our communities, many moments are spent living-with-ovarian cancer, often through the eyes of others. Well anyway, I go down into the Iv room and they hook me up and start to give me the stuff they give to people before surgery. She was neurtopenic as her cell counts had dropped so low so she was in isolation and was admitted to the hospital. By August 2007 a tumor growing on the dome of my liver penetrating my diaphragm was visualized. My neighbors son was gunned down at the age of 25. Dean was very considerate and tried his best to answer every question to the best and fullest of his ability. Women from my support group have also passed on. Im ready now for you my lord to turn to the next page. I did some follow up after that, being 31 years old I did not think anything about having had cancer. June 11, 2012: I am at the hospital to have a CT guided biopsy done on my right pelvic mass. I feel okay these days, except for a few other unrelated ailments, and am finally getting over the chemo. The next day I went for the ultrasound and the supervisor have told me that I should get a scan. He said that I would need to have surgery to have the tumour removed. I cannot believe the pain and that I will never see her again. All women need to stop acting stupid when it comes to their health and get these tests every year and teach our daughters how to take care of their own bodies. tumor that was malignant, but it had not spread. Except for occasional nausea, I had an uneventful pregnancy. I have also just had my three monthly clinic appointment this week and was informed by my oncologist that my tumor markers were down to seven. My mom is 69 years old and have been complaining about her stomach was getting bigger, she also complained of bleeding after menopause which I know would be a serious problem. It only got worse but she thought it was due to the metal plates in her back. Pathology confirmed, it was a burst left ovary. I took a workshop at the local hospice on preparing for the end of life. I took care of my kids, went out with friends, even traveled to visit family. The doctor told me I needed an ultrasound chest x-ray ca-125 which was 250. So I went home Friday, and promptly had my husband running to the store for Tums or anything that would help. I received blood transfusions, and was sent home with iron and told again to rest. Trump Brings Victory Tour Home, Fires Up Thousands in Orlando. In mid-April the tumor then produced a bowel obstruction in April 2005, which resulted in a peg-tube for drainage. The good news is that I had my 3 year anniversary on 14th of July and I am still in remission. I had 3 more chemo treatment, including the study of chemo directly in the abdomen. However, I have a 2. Being told I would need to have chemo was a major disappointment, as I hoped my cancer had been caught early enough that I could bypass this. Levine is the best in his field in the USA. The challenge was first of all to get over the shock of being told I had cancer. I knew something was up again, but what still not sure but have some idea. D: (word games) I Am No Thing. Several test have been ran and he still cannot find out what is causing this. I acquired loss of hearing from the chemo. In a matter of 3 months my mother went from 150 pounds to 90 pounds and no hair. For those of you like me who were young when you were diagnosed and may not be able to have children of your own because of it, just focus on the fact that you are still here and take one day at a time. Doc lifted my gown shoved, his hands upon my abdomen and started digging his finger tips into my flesh really really hard. I should have known that my family is not invincible and eventually this run of good luck would have to come to an end. I had a very tough time pulling myself together. I just want to say to everyone who is dealing with this or any other type of cancer. Her strength, hope and love will carry me through many, many trials and tribulations, triumphs and life in general for me. I take my body to the docs, docs tell me what is wrong (sometimes) then they will not give me any further treatment and to make matters worse they are mean and careless. I am trying to learn from this and make sure that my sister and I get checked often. Spend as much time with your parents, because you never know what will happen in life. Meet a couple named Darrell and Sara they went to CTCA and advised me to go there, this is not advertisement. My grandmother is still in the hospital today. I have no history of drug abuse, arrest etc. Today is the 7 day post chemo, havent felt too bad, still early days yet. I asked her then if she thought it was cancer and she said it was. On seeing the gynecologist, he booked me into the hospital for a hysterectomy the following week. Cancer was not on my mind or in my thoughts. Once again the doctor knew something that they decided not to tell me. I beg you father hear my prayers and answer one more time. When I was 14, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I wanted to see them grow up, get married and have their own families. On Sept. Then the path reports came back. We live in a rural area, so I located the nearest Cancer Center of Excellence, which happened to be Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. I was given injections of a powerful drug called Lupron, which puts the body in a menopausal state. Of course I was very ill after each session and my hair went very fast. I put all this down to the travelling and being overweight. When I finished on November 9th, it was 74. We liked that guess but after a CT scan and another CA125, we all knew the cancer was back. Along with each and every family member we have. I was finally diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July of 2005 after 2 years of symptoms. He also found out that I had ovarian and uterine cancer. jbx Click here for Part Two. As he cleared his throat, he asked me if I was aware that I had a large cyst in my left ovary. They decide to wait another cycle and recheck it. Training for a physical event is the opposite of being a patient and it felt fantastic. The highest ca125 anybody has seen is around 35,000. I sat nervous and waiting, trying to stay calm because I have panic attacks. They are always there for their children and their grandchildren. Nehal Pagedar, age 38 yrs was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in July 2002 and since then she is undergoing treatment. Needless to say, this was not what she wanted to here, but I got her into the car and off we went. The Lord used the people of God to provide round the clock care for Elder Marshall. e. It showed a large mass on my left ovary and I was scheduled to see an oncologist. If anyone can give any helpful advice on other treatments for my mother, I would be so grateful. I was 34. I was sad that my mom died but I was happy I had her for so many good years. It was the best thing I ever did going to her. I just wish her cancer could have been cured. For those of you reading this, please do not ever give up hope. Oh, forgot to tell you that I know what is going on before I even go in, I know that part of this is my asthma but with all the other tests that were done, my mind has been in overdrive just wondering what kind it was going to be. as she had during her treatment. Everything more or less started from there, a week later I had an appointment with Radiology, blood test (CA-125), and a couple of days later I had an appointment to see the Gynaecologist. Actually moving in with her for 4 months. In July of 2002 my bright and beautiful sister Monica was diagnosed with stage 1C ovarian cancer. I needed to being doing something right now. The larger tumors (over 2. They found cancer and by the way they said it- there seemed to be a lot of it. 25, 2012 and now it is time for another scan. She state she had abdominal pain on both sides where her ovaries would be. Six months after my hysterectomy request, the pain got worse. When we arrived at the motel, I just wanted to have a cup of hot tea because I was having some cramping and felt bloated. 8 2008. She had another attack in January which forced her to go to the doctor. So when she got to the hospital she was about 68 lbs soaking wet. Thanks ladies - and much luck to you all. , I was going to the restroom many times a day. The gyn-Onc Dr has told us that he has done all that he is able to do. When the gynecologist finally came down, she looked worried. Doctors here locally have told her to give up but she continues to strive on and prove them all wrong. In June 2000 mom was all done with the chemo and started having horrible back pain (she contributed this to holding my 4-year-old son at a recent fair). I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equipments and friends. tell me anything except at your convenience for seeing a dr. With each passing day, the struggles of the fine line between Hope, Reality, Wishes, Expectations and Dreams remain. we think now it may have been undetected cancer instead of the problem that they diagnosed her as having (a blocked artery of only 60%). She under went chemo again and did not have another reoccurance until the spring of 2006. That same day, the pathology report was read to us, verifying the cancer. I went back the week of homecoming the principle had a big welcome back pep rally for me and the best thing was that him and SGA were the only people who knew I was coming back, see I was not supposed to go back till January, but I was well enough to go back then I could have went back the day of treatments started but the immune system thing. She was xrayed several times and sent to a pulmonologist for a diagnosis. ) said if his wife was going for (treatment) this is who he would send her to. He went back to the ER and they gave him another diagnosis and sent him home again with another medication to take. We had come to the conclusion that we would avoid telling her the full details in hopes that if we only highlighted the positive she would keep in high spirits and fight this battle harder. I looked in the mirror and I was white as a sheet. that was some scary already. The surgery went well, the tumours had responded to the chemo, my ca125 was normal, another 2 rounds of chemo and things were improving for me. Every daughter takes great comfort in knowing you are there for her no matter what and that is HUGE to girls of all ages- believe me. In the last couple weeks of her life she started to react to the pain patch. Although the cancer had not spread to my uterus and fallopian tubes, an area of my pelvic sidewall where the tumor had touched it contained cancerous cells. Anyway the oncologist gyn was called in the next day and he examined me and told me what he was going to do. This is done also after what they call debulking( removal of tumors) The Dr has to be careful not to spill any blood because in the blood are these cancer cells that if any uneffected part of your body is touched by the blood a tumor will grow. R. AGAIN I was told it was hernia, however this doctor did do me one favor. And I was a very light sleeper since I started taking care of her I knew she called in the night. 03. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2006. Not that would have made too much of a difference. We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month,etc. I did not have any insurance at the time. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. I had been having a twinging pain in my right side for nearly 18 months. Her doctors at this time were not very aggressive with treatment and basically told her to quit drinking alcohol and quit eating canned food. This and other factors delayed my treatment so that I am just starting on my first chemo drug Doxil Feb. Continuing radiation therapy but will begin Doxil today. Recovery has been good and I am being followed up closely. They returned after about fourty minutes with huge smiles. On my fifth day hospitalized a young doc came to interview me and slipped up by mentioning something he thought my Gyn Onc had told me. I was scheduled for surgery a month later. We just found out that her CA125 has risen again, which has always been a red flag for us. She also underwent surgery to remove the infected port, her lung collapsed from pneumonia and she had to have surgery to reinflate the lung where a chest tube was inserted and left in for drainage purposes, and she had deep pocket of fluid build up in her left thigh that she had to have surgery on. Wonderful that my mom has had the care she deserves, the doctors in Illinois thought it smart not to do more debulking right away and go for more chemo. My gyn dr told me it was adhesions from surgery. Oncology use TAXOL AND CARBOPLATIN for her chemotheraphy. I always come back to this website I want survival stories from all you brave, courageous and inspiring women. Subsequently had a further operation to remove the serous and clear cell 2 cm cancer and omentum. The experienced doctor recognized the tissue looked suspicious. Congestive Heart Failure. They took her into surgery 8 days before Christmas last year and they took a thirty pound tumor from her. I was thinking about talking to someone about lobbying to have ultrasounds or something available to women to detect this cancer. It was one of the most wonderful days of my life. She had tried alternative treatment and still does. Ball did biopsies from all around her chest cavity while he was in there and they all came back negative. I am writing this on Thursday, Aug 4th, 3 days in from her first chemo session. It is a solid mass, about the size of a ping pong ball. She does not believe it to be cancer because the CA-125 test came back negative. They covered the hole with a big steel plate to hide the mold. CT scan cannot tell if they are seeing ovaries or lymph nodes. The dr. In March 2003, I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. I went to the Gynecologist for the first time in my life because I was having discomfort in my abdominal area, especially when my bladder was full, and I figured at my age it was time to get checked out in case I would find Mr. At first she responded well to treatments but remission did not last long. Anyway, while I was taking care of her when she was dying, I took a fall. My usual doctor was away, so I saw her replacement, who thought I was just severely constipated and refused to refer me for an ultrasound. My doctor said that one a scale of 1-10, I was a 12. July 3, 2012: Went to see my oncologist today for blood work and to find out about my first chemo treatment. s. Love the Family and Friends of One of the Happiest Angels in Heaven. Never bothered me, just bothered the hoi polloi of West Hartford. At the same time, my youngest daughter (one of twins) needed leg and spinal surgery. I know God has a special reward for you all. Once she took in the news and met her hospice nurse she really perked up her attitude and became positive and happy again. I work out all the time and the cancer has not stopped me from doing that or any thing else for that matter. They are unique beyond words in their love for their family. On ringing the Gynecologist I was told the tumor was malignant and to come in and see him a few days later. WOW I knew that was coming but it hit me hard anyway. She thought she felt a little relief from the pelvic pain and pressure so he told her to continue on the medication for inflammation and a pelvic infection. They removed a 17 lb. I am relatively young, have no known ovarian cancer in my family and have never used fertility drugs. Her school had supported her, they had fundraisers in honor of her, and they made t-shirts and bracelets and any money they could to save her life. Additional tools to detect and fight this cancer are so desperately needed. It seems there really is no clear way to go to me. He had done 400 of these surgeries at the Cancer Center in Salem NC. After arriving and trying to explain the pain I was having in my left side which radiated down my pelvic area and lower back to my nicely padded seat. My mother and father are both sixty four years old had never been on a plane in their entire lives. So stay strong and think positive. My CA125 has been under 20 since Sept. Even though this story is not your typical feel good story, I guess I am saying that it should be. When she was diagnosed with Clear Cell Cancer a form of Ovarian Cancer back in October of 2003, we were all devastated. She went through surgery and chemotherapy and did not have a reoccurance for six years. I really had no family support, I went through this alone. My life has never been the same, but it has also never been so fulfilling. My mother had intestinal problems earlier on but dismissed it. Now- to all the daughters- no matter how difficult she can be- pick up the phone right now and tell her how much you love her and that you will always need her- you will be glad you did. I did 3 months of treatment, 3 months of home school, and 3 months of missing anything going on at school. Realizing I was at risk for ovarian cancer with the first two factors, I had always been pro-active with yearly ultrasounds and watching for little signs. Ever-present are the realities that ovarian cancer is a disease most often en-shrined in significant suffering. I am beginning to feel a little under the weather but do not expect the worst for another 24-48 hours if I respond like I did before. Her primary care told her she was getting older and to slow down and that maybe it was her nerves. I was diagnosed stage 3C Aug. We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month, etc. I felt great, had gotten all my energy back, was doing wonderful UNTIL. We went for it and they ended up doing a complete hysterectomy and found cancer cells on the inside of her ovary. At the very least, research and find a cancer specialist in your area who you can trust. We planned big dinners every weekend, had a huge picnic over Labor Day weekend and had company in all the time. She was quite swollen and bloated looking and the amount of pain she was in was increasing greatly. My oncologist and surgeon removed my omentum, both ovaries and fallopian tubes. Six Years of Survival I look back on the time when I wrote my first post and a flood of memories comes over me. Upon my visit to the OBGYN doctor, I asked for his personal opinion. Her odds from a stage III or IV to stage IC have increased significantly. The nurse came in to clean her up. She also told me there was too much disease to do surgery. Her first round of Chemo she ended up in the hospital with blood clots in both her lungs,she spent a week in the hospital,she had another round of chemo. I mentioned to her that I had a lot of pain in my left side and was having gastrointestinal problems. So surgery was put off. My advise to all women is to listen to your body. which made me feel very scared for her. My mom was a slender woman except for her mid-section which she blamed on having so many kids and we believed her. The carboplatin I have had before, 17 years ago, but the taxol is new and it can cause an allergic reaction within the 1st 15 minutes of getting it if a person were to have one, so they have to watch me for the 1st 15 minutes once they give it to me. I have not had a menstral cycle in several months. After her stroke, the docs told her she had recovered very well and was doing good. I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who holds tomorrow. November 21, 2012: I had my 8th treatment the other day and am now here for my rescan. Pap and mammogram were good along wth the usual tests. As selfish and childish that I know that is, she had been there for every major event in my life and I would so miss her not being by my side to welcome this blessing. Also, I am still active with my middle school Student government, coached cheerleading at a local ballpark, and my old middle school swim team. I already felt the wait of that bear easing off my back. They thought I was crazy for sure this time. It turns out he will not do the pelvic mass because it is right next to an artery and he does not want to take the chance of puncturing it. it is genetic. After her first round of cisplatin, she was up and running, driving her new car, visiting the sick, attending 5 am prayer service, and using her time to minister to others, and enjoy the company of friends, fellowship with co-workers and attend Bible Study with me at my church. My grandboys are still young and I want to see them grow. I am also actively looking for some alternative therapy to save her life. When I went back to work in October, I was still going through chemo. Barnes tried to tell her and she could not believe her ears. In the midst of this, we moved from Birmingham, Alabama to Silver Spring, Maryland. After starting it, she only got sicker and it seemed that the chemo was only contributing to that instead of making her better. She tried to cross herself and seemed to relax. My story is similar to many of the other women except that I am younger than many of the women diagnosed and that my ca125 was very high. The Gyn told me I had high levels of estrogen. Her desire was to see her family and friends accept Christ and live a life pleasing to him. I repeat that even though my cancer is Uterine it is like Ovarian in nature and treated like Ovarian. Meanwhile, my Mom lives upstate NY, so for her surgery and treatment, she ended up having to go 2 hrs away to NYC. Lie and say you have pelvic pain if that is going to get them to agree to the test. Upon contacting the hospital, they requested I wait until the morning and to keep watch over how I felt through the night. Fast forward 4 years and 40 lbs and I began to feel unwell. they would do a few rounds, and the CA 125 Marker would go down then back up. My friends and family really showed how much they love me by doing their best to care for me. I know right before my period I am going to be lying on the floor again hurting so badly and no one will do anything for me. On the following day, I visited my doctor. At that Imelda they made incision on neck to check lymph nodes for cancer, all clear before surgery. I was prescribed pain killers and Lactulose solution. I had many tests and they kept me from wednesday-Friday. As a family, we enjoyed many walking trips, but one will always remain in my mind. The doctor asked me if I wanted the good news first or the bad news. Then another chemo which she finished in December 2006. When I went back to work in October, I was still going through chemo. She was hospitalized for days after her second round and at this point she was ready to call it off and give up. Soon she was fighting to recover from surgery and gear up for chemo. I finally heard the results one day at work - it was 317. In August 2002 when I was 35 years old I was diagnosed with stage 1C ovarian cancer. My four brothers, father and myself were still under the impression that it was still contained to the one ovary and that during surgery it would be removed and all would be downhill from there. it is not always this outcome with these symptoms. She is very tired and is nauseated at times but other than that has had no side effects. like it was my old mattress or something. First 12 cycles of chemotherapy were tolerated by her well and thereafter she suffered lot post chemotherapy problems like sever body pain, vomiting, fever, loose motion etc. I left her office in a very dark state of mind. I was immediately taken for surgery and had a complete hysterectomy. I had a total hysterectomy and 6 months of treatment with carboplatin and I was diagnosed as cancer free. She was admitted into the local hospital again and received a peg tube for decompression. We went to see her neurologists and they said she looked good. I read everyday women dying from this cancer. I give her the credit for saving my life. She later passed away at the young age of 35 in 1991. I noticed spotting in August 2005 and since I was post menopausal I decided to get checked out. Three more hours passed as we awaited news from the general surgeons who would be preforming the colostophy surgery and the internal flushing of the fluid. When I went to the ER they hospitalized me and told me that I had Salpingitis. I see you have used part of my story on your web site. Dillmon, her oncologist, to discuss her chemo options and starting date. I had the hysterectomy and spend the following 7 days in hospital, on release I was told to give the gynecologist a ring a few days later. Also, rock climbing makes you feel as alive as surviving cancer does. I was surprised I was enjoying not only the good companies, but also the food when other survivors came to visit me. I took her to my doctor where they did an ultrasound and discover her uterus was 9mm in size which is twice the size of a normal uterus. There the GYN Oncologist said she had OVCA and had to have a hysterectomy immediately. I found out my CA125 tumor marker was 16,000. At one stage she even spent time in a phsychiatric facility, heavily drugged up. She would encourage others at her chemo sessions and be the cheerleader. It makes sense that I use rock climbing to raise the awareness. I woke up May 10,2009 and went to pee like I do every morning. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. Now she orders a CA-125 test to test for cancer. I spent the summer getting our new home furnished and when I started having pains in my abdomine in September I just assumed it was nerves left over. I was told it was an endometriod adenocarcinoma. But since she is only 16, being a mother is many years away. After several tests, the ER doctor told me I had Ovarian Cancer and he had called a specialist in to come and meet with me about what to do. My mother just passed away after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer one year ago. I had tests including a colonoscopy and they were normal. She ensured me that worry was a waste of time, that all things work out. In the ER I was given a CT scan, a pelvic exam and instructions to see my gynecologist for an ovarian cyst. After her surgery she had been really skinny and she started chemo a month after. Had the 5th chemo after recurrence. I was her favorite grandchild and she loved me very very much. In May of 2004, my beautiful mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 70 years young. Now, it is July and I am going for my second look procedure tomorrow, which will remove my remaining ovary and attempt to leave my uterus to again perserve the chance of bearing children. They did a wash of her abdomen and checked the fluid and also took some lymph nodes and tested those and everything came back negative so they consider her in remission. Anyway, my Pap test came back fine as did the mamogram. I must say, the side affects and serious risks listed on the drug sheet is scary. I just had surgery on the 4 and it was much more extensive than they thought. If these do not work, they will move on to some of the many other available drugs. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. I threw up four times in a row without some kind of explanation. Now this cyst had been growing in me for more than a year. I was diagnosed at the age of 23 with stage III B of ovarian cancer. Surgery is not something to laugh at and there are risks. The cancer is on the lining of her stomach and spots on her liver. Doctor said it was like little kernels of corn and had seeded itself everywhere. My sister Colleen has moved into my parents house with her husband and two of their three daughters. I am not at all athletic or specially strong. November 9. One year later, the cancer was back, they took out more lymph nodes, more chemo. There were only 2 episodes of vomiting severe enough for medication. The result came back stage 4 Ovarian-Peritoneal Cancer. Each week my CA 125 dropped lower and lower and I began to feel hopeful that maybe I could go into remission. She was dead within 4 weeks of that diagnosis. Has anyone else used radiation therapy with Doxil. My mother went back again to a different doctor and was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. They determined it was ovarian cancer cells, and also outside of the ovary, tubes, and wall lining. She thought it might have just been a stomach bug. I just went to the doctor yesterday February 10,2010. They were going to give her a mediport under her rib cage that would shoot the chemo directly onto the tumors. She has tremendous bloating in her abdomen and now has to puree all of the food she eats. I remembering waking up hearing the doctor talking to my family. Wondering why nothing found at my annual exam in April. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. Then I did round one of chemo was to have surgery when my md decided to do IP chemo before. After arriving at Sloan Kettering we felt a glimmer of hope that she would be with us for a few years at the very least. In April of 2005 after 5 months of being terribly ill she was diagnosed with OVCA Stage 3C. He said to me, that if I was his wife and we already had two children, that he would want me to have the surgery. The doctor took me aside and went through the x-ray then he admitted to me he had made a mistake. My sister had a second cancer, stage 1 in the other breast in July 2007 and is currently getting radiation treatments. Nothing really but I still want you to see an Oncologist. It was at this point that I was just baffled and grieve stricken. I had the usual symptoms, pain, bleeding, heartburn at night, and irritable bowels. So 2 weeks after my first surgery, I was admitted to the hospital. Her selflessness and unconditional love are treasured by myself, my 2 sisters, my dad and her 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal ligation and I had never had one. and he had a fluid sample taken. After I found out, they had planned surgery for me. Very little nausea. The best we can do is to deal with our challenges and make the best of our life. I had added fish oil, gingko biloba, biotin, multivitamin, and other things to my repertoire and it was a chore every day to take them all. Her and my Dad went to Florida for the winter and she had continued treatment down there. The doctor prescribed steroids and inhalers and sent me home. I risked her life to save mine and I must always remember how much I prayed for her. Dedicated to my mom Deb 1966-2005 I love you Mommy. My mom could not believe her ears, she had a hysterectomy 30 years ago. I went to the ER and they told me I had ovarian cancer. Because I was 23 the youngest they have ever seen they were going to use me as a case study, I guess this meant to them not doing anything about my cancer that the doctor left in me. She sent Aaron home with more over the counter remedies. I have completely changed the way I eat, drink, sleep, exercise (none before), breathe, think. So I went to the ER and was admitted to the hospital and one doctor told me that the mass was like a 35-week fetus. Since the last post she has tried several diffrent types of chemo at the CTCA. Then I knew there was a more serious problem. Never one to just sit and do nothing, even at 63 she was probably in most aspects, in better shape than myself. I went and drank the stuff I had to drink and went home and drank some more and then I went back and had my scan. I try to eat all those foods they say prevent cancer. I go in and get the bloodwork done, pee in the cup and go sit back down. I have been sport rock climbing regularly for about 3 years now and finally had gotten a membership to a rock gym in Philadelphia called Go Vertical. I welcome, welcome, welcome all opinions from women out there who have been through this. I remember crying uncrontrollably at the thought of not having my mom around. Went camping in June. When I explained my pain to her, she felt my right side and told me she thought it was my ovary. Nobody really knew what was wrong with me. I am praying to God to help me to cure me from this dreadful disease. I was told the tumor was cancerous but had not spread so no treatment was given. Then to look at, next thing I know, an er doc comes in and says on the neuro doc thinks it is my sinus. She tried to be strong but the cancer did not allow my mother to be strong. She became very sick and weak during her many rounds of chemotherapy where she had to be admitted for a week at a time during her treatments. The nausea, not wanting to eat, trouble with hydration, constipation, insomnia--all disappears. So for all you young women that are 35 and older please check yourselves. My mother is asking all of you to share her strength and knowledge of the disease to other people in hopes of one day finding a cure for our daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and friends. They had gotten there and spent 12 hours there and ended up having to come back when they received the call that I was in the emergency room. I had an ultrasound done today that revealed I have an ovarian mass on my right ovary. Pet scan April 5,2006 showed small spots on intestines. She died the next moring I was 11 she was supposed to live 6 months my mom made it 8 years. It was the next morning that she learned what the problem was. She went to her Dr. Currently she is undergoing treatments of Avastin which to my understanding is a clinical trial for ovarian cancer but was intended for lung cancer. I know I have to stay strong for her and I will try. They discovered a large mass and I had a complete hysterectomy in October 2003. It is a group of climbers raising awareness of Ovarian Cancer. She was feeling great and was ready to hit this thing head on. Within four days I was in the hospital for the grand old surgery. People from around the world prayed for me. She then ordered a PET scan, this is where the warning bells really went off. One day, I sat down and felt around my stomach. I know today, that decision plays a big part in my being here. When tears started running down my face, he asked why I was crying. Diagnosis: Stage 1 A granulosa cell tumour. This doctor was immediately alarmed and sent her to see a GYN specialist who immediately scheduled a battery of tests and scans. We set up her hospital bed right in the living room next to a large picture window at her request. My Mother had no direct abdominal symptoms when diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had been having respiratory difficulty, which had been happening on and off for a couple of years. At 62 she was vomiting after most meals and her bowel habits were irregular. That being said, I resolve to live my life to the absolute fullest, love everyone a little bit more, be kinder, appreciate nature, strive to be as stress-free as possible, appreciate and take care of my body after all it has had to endure- through nutrition and exercise, and thank God daily for all my blessings. I just want a proper test and diagnosis, treatment would be nice also. My tumor marker continued to drop, 37, then to 26. In August, my 4-yr-old granddaughter had her tonsils out and I remembered lying in her room that night with a feeling of a mass in my stomach. e. Sometimes I find myself wondering why anyone must suffer as much as she has, but in the end we have had longer with her than some people are afforded. God Bless all ladies and the men too who help support us all. Dec 2004: CA125 down to 21. In June, my son had an emegency appendicitis. Now I have one on the other ovary and both have grown. My cancer was Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (left salpingo-oophorectomy), weighed 10lbs. She started another round of chemo in Sep 2007 with doxil. It was a fellow rock climber that urged me to go to a gyn ONCOLOGIST for surgery. , the size of a watermelon. PLEASE, PLEASE listen to your body and go for early check ups. We thought all we had left to do was deal with an extreme handicap the cancer was no longer a problem. Yes I did go to the doctor with these symptoms a year prior to diagnosis and was given tube of hormone cream for a dry vagina. Brock had removed all the fluid and most of the cancer that was left. Mom did not enjoy losing her hair, but she wore her many hats with flair. I was due to deliver on March 3, but the plan had to be changed cause he was tachycardiac, I would be delivering February 22. The pathology report came back showing that I have Ovarian Cancer stage 2C. Odds given to me were poor but I needed to survive and Ovarian Cancer and I butted heads. My mother has been battling cancer since 2007. June 14, 2012: Saw thoraci surgeon today and after he spoke to radiologist that did lung biopsy he decided to do his biopsy on the chest wall. I was scheduled for surgery two days after (Nov. 28, 2012. I brushed my teeth, washed up, got dressed as quick as I could. A date for surgery was set, and my mom put her hands in God hands. She lived for a few more hours in the hospital then passed away. R. Finally, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired, my husband took me to the emergency room. I asked if there could be something under the bowel, around the bowel. Then got in to see surgeon on Friday, surgeon asked why I was there, I advised ER told me to get surgeon I knew them so called. I had no idea what the doctor meant, he told me he had found a tumor and removed it and sent it for biopsy. We were elated when the doctor gave us the great news that she was going to be fine. If anyone has any questions at all there is nothing that I will not answer. Another nurse appeared and told me to drink this fluid for the test. A week passed before my gynecologist had an opening to see me. I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor from Montana and moved here (Utah) last year. This brought a little alarm but was not earth shattering. I told my gyn about my fear and he said not to worry, there was no proven link to fertility drugs and ovca. Within are many unanswered questions, maybe to be answered, and maybe not. I met my future husband when I was 16 and he was 21. When I was first diagnosed with cancer my CA125 was over 900. I want to tell everyone HOW IMPORTANT mental attitude is. I am 39, and 3 weeks post surgery, and am so thankful all of you have posted your stories. Just when you really start feeling good, then you have to start the chemo. At this time I never felt symptoms but one day when I was taking a shower, I saw my cervix and boy was I nervous. I was living with my grandma and my Mom was dying. As soon as she answered the door I told her to call emergency I had to got to the hospital,and that there was blood in my urine. She claimed it was uterine fibroids which she has known about for years. And I was a very light sleeper since I started taking care of her I knew she called in the night. Her abdomen began to build up with fluid so she went to her doctor and had some tests done. She never did walk again or speak clearly or even completely focus her eyes. She never did walk again or speak clear or even completely focus her eyes. A few days later but before I was due for the US, I felt so bad that I was crying but not sure what was hurting. During her second battle with cancer she quit drinking completely and faced the ugliest moment of her life sober. re-occurrence and this time liver was also affected i. The next morning I met with my doctor, she changed the chemo drugs and I had the chemo the next day. The extraction of fluid was done again in a few days and another gallon of fluid was extracted and checked for content of cancer cells but none were detected. Mom fought this terrible disease with all her might. She joked about and was incredibly candid about her impending death and openly shared her feelings with us all. On top of it, my brother, after not having a recurrence in 20 years, was told he was dying. I have just begun the genetic counseling process. By the way, FYI, I would do a pelvic ultrasound over a mammogram anyday. MAde me sick, but the good thing was I had medical leave time to learn how to deal with it. Trust between ovarian cancer Women and Caregivers is: Hope with More. Sure enough, our worst fears were to be known, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer. To sleep, I had to lay on my side and stuff pillows under my stomach for support. I came across all these stories, and other links, which all seemed to link these symptoms to ovarian cancer. She is now on her 3rd treatment of chemo (doctor said it is only being given to her as a preventative) of 6 and is taking it like a champ. Shortly after the peg was placed she was released to take chemo again. Instead of bringing in paintbrushes and drop cloths, my dad told me, with tear-filled eyes that my mom had heard back from the doctor and that she had Ovarian Cancer. She was going to enjoy what was left of life. I have lots to live for, a very beautiful daughter, however old she gets, who needs me and a very sweet eight year old granddaughter who I so very much would like nothing more than to be at her high school graduation, wedding and around for the first great grandchild. The intensity of the pain, and a massive lump on the left side of my abdomen. It was, without a doubt, the longest weekend of my life. I finished my last treatment just over six months ago and feeling much better. Separating from my husband, moving, selling a house, hectic work schedule, climbing, making friends, dating, etc etc, things started to slide a little. At this point my family is making arrangements for my mom to have Hospice. There is residual fall-out from the hysterectomy, unfortunately. She had a CT scan in December showing possible spleen and stomach affected again. He spoke to his commanding officers and they let him know to try to get letters written stating my exact condition because when Red Cross called the nurses station at the hospital, the nurse has stated that I was in stable condition but I was watched every hour because my vitals were bad. I saw her pillow out of place and went to check on her and realized she had passed. It was an 8 cm. My stomach had been the size of a pregnant woman in her 9th month all of April. The neuropathy has dissipated some, but not enough. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on July 11, 2007. Please feel free to contact me if you want to know anything else about my story or about the supplements I took. This was shocking news as I am always healthy and active. This was her ticket to ICU where she spent nearly a week. And here it is exactly a year since my diagnoses and I am cancer free and living life. I was stunned to find that during my chemo, I was able to function fairly well. She struggled to get examined by her neurologist who finally changed her meds over the phone. it was rebound pain, like I had felt before, when I had my appendix out a few years ago. In fact she ordered no crying or sad looks allowed. We called and never got her so we sent a friend who found her unable to walk,focus her eyes or speak clearly all of this in a matter of 2 weeks. And I thank you for listening and being an outlet for my anxieties. She has left precious memories for those who knew her. Message to R: The line has been kind of busy. CANCER. I was admitted to the hospital and drained of more than 12 liters of fluid) Two weeks later, I had my first round of chemo (carboplatin and taxol), got a bad reaction which kept me in the hospital for two weeks. They think that it because of my own fault when really I am allergic to the anaesthetic. However, something in me told me to go to the doctor. Finally I said something is wrong so he said I will contact your previous Gyn Cancer specialist and remove the cyst. All all-points prayer ALERT was sent out throughout our community. I was a little bloated and tired, but I thought it was irritable bowel and summer heat making me tired. He went to the ER and they said he had some kind of lung infection. Because Karan was young (52) and in reasonably good health, he wanted to be aggressive. Microscopic cancer cells were also found in two adhesions on her bowels and in the lining in her pelvic area. I have cancer in my liver, spleen, next to my pancreas, and maybe pelvic bone. But I am forced to come to terms with the fact that my mom who is also my best friend may lose this long battle. Even though it has been 26 years I still see the Oncologist and have the CA 125 test and a pelvic and abdominal sonogram once a year. I am still suffering from effects of the chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, acute tiredness, memory problem, my skin keeps breaking out and I have tinnitus. We continue to pray that all will be done and over with this one day. As well she has had to undergo surgery to have catheters placed in both her lungs to drain fluid, the cancer has spread to there causing pleural effusions. I am 17 years old and a junior in high school and I am very active. Can anyone offer some insight is this something we should be worried about as we are. Thinking it was my stomach, went to an internist, and she ordered a CT. I was in the hospital for 8 days because of fluid on my lungs. Four months had passed by this time and I was doing alright on the chemo. She is now 5 years old, healthy, happy and so very special to me. I also sought out other avenues of healing besides chemotherapy and think these have helped with my longevity. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. Neither she nor the GYN Oncologist I saw thought it was cancer but I was scheduled for a hysterectomy Oct. He performed a full hysterectomy on February 26, 2004. I left his office naively thinking that something would be done and that we could go back to trying to have children. Life in London was very different from life in NYC, but I adpated. Three weeks in NYU and then three weeks in hospice. I had my first treatment yesterday, Aug. My joys in life made my wealth, full energies and hearts I had felt. The weight of the mass was creating too much pain to bear even when I laid down. She told me that as a child she visited a relative who was dying of some terrible disease-cancer. By the time my family doctor called me I was a mess. I did not have insurance until around this time. forever. I got know where with her with my complaints. She started complaining later that month that her stomach was bothering her. My PET s